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Resource Center
Minnesota Resources for Crime Victims
Listed here are resources that may be helpful to crime victims in Minnesota. Go to the OJP Victim Service Provider Directory for a complete list of Minnesota victim service providers.  

Domestic Violence/Stalking 

Sexual Assault  

Human Trafficking

Child Abuse Intervention and Prevention 

Victims of Impaired Driving  

Elder Abuse and Exploitation 

Identity Theft/Fraud

Resources for Special Populations and Communities 

Mental Health Resources 

Legal Resources 



National Resources for Crime Victims

Domestic Violence

Sexual Assault 

Child Abuse/Child Sexual Abuse 


Identity Theft/Fraud 


Human Trafficking 

All Crime 



Federal agencies



Crime Victim Law




Crime Victimization Research and Information




Information Clearinghouses



Tribal Resources 

Please Note:
You have now come under the jurisdiction of the Coming out of bondage Program. This means that upon entry in the program/COOB, company transportation, Public transportation. You are from that point subject to search and all consequences will be on the client. No weapons, drugs or paraphernalia of any type are allowed, as well as un-prescribed Meds or any hazardous language or behavior. We are always concerned about the welfare of all our clients.